The Casting Director: an introduction

The idea behind our organisation

Oh, hi there! We are The Casting Director.

A place where talents don’t have to hinge on one agency. A place where talent is more important than loads of experience or the picture-perfect measurements. A place where exclusive rights and extreme commissions don’t have the final say. We want to be a force to be reckoned with within the world of castings. We want to offer accessible solutions that answer to our principles and your expectations. This way, we want to be the answer considering the large diversity in talent requests. ​“Yeah, yeah, sure”, you might think. ​“But, uhm
 how did The Casting spring to life, whom is it for, what are the specific benefits and what does our vision for the future look like? Well
 Sit back, relax and meet
 The Casting Director!

The idea behind The Casting Director

Dag Elsermans, CEO of The Casting Director, was the force behind one of the first casting agencies in Belgium. This translates in more than 25 years of experience on his resume, with well over 3000 castings in film, advertisement, radio and music. Worldwide, that is.

After the experience

And now, 25 years later, it’s time for something new. The idea? Allow us to explain. In the past years, the world has gone through a massive evolution considering digitalisation. Think about the internet and all kinds of technical gadgets, but also film techniques, constantly-changing cameras, and so on. But you know what? The actors and models behind these techniques? They’re still doing the same old thing. Not a bit changed for them. They still needed to travel miles and miles to get to that one casting. In contrast to the simplified way of work for the agencies, the talents still were obligated to physically be present on their audition. ​“Ridiculous, in this time and age”, we thought. A huge waste of time and effort. After all, we all have access to a pretty darn good camera thanks to that smartphone in our pocket, isn’t that so? So why isn’t it possible to send in your audition digitally? Et voilĂ : The Casting Director was born.

Whom is The Casting Director for?

Take your pick! Our motto says it all: talent can be found everywhere. From professional to amateur — and everything in between. Professional actor, model, extra, show host, voice actor, dancer or singer who knows the industry like the back of his/​her hand? Welcome. Or are you that person who’s always dreamt of a career in this sector, but did you never quite find your way here? Equally welcome. From rookie ​‘till old-timer: The Casting Director platform is accessible for everyone. This way, we offer equal opportunities to every talent — in an approachable and fair manner.

What are the specific benefits?

Well, if we may be so bold
 a rather great deal, actually. Quite the lot to tell you in a few words, to tell the truth. But you know what? For you, we’ll try to summarise.

  1. As mentioned earlier: you won’t have to travel all those unnecessary miles anymore. Because as from now, you’ll be doing your auditions
 anywhere, anytime. A win considering time spent, as well as on a financial level: you’ll be spending less money on transportation and you won’t longer have to take a day off at work when auditioning.
  2. The platform offers a whole new sense of security. Did you send in your audition? Great! Then you can follow everything that happens with it. This way, you won’t have to wait days or weeks for an answer. You’ll simply receive a notification when something changes: whether it’s a yes, a maybe, or a no.
  3. Forget time pressure: from now on, you’ll do your audition when it suits you best, at your own pace.
  4. Did that first reading not go as smooth as you pictured it? No problemo! As opposed to ​‘live’ auditions, where you won’t always get a second chance, you get to pick which take will arrive at the agency. This way, you’re sure to always present the best possible version of yourself (and your talents).
  5. Back in the day, it wasn’t easy to enlist in multiple agencies. Next to this, producers tended to choose for one single casting agency. The result? Smaller chances for talents to find that dream job, because of limited options. But have no fear, because thanks to The Casting Director, this is a thing of the past: as from today, different agencies will get to see your profile, which leads to better chances of standing out.

Our vision for the future

As mentioned earlier, The Casting Director is the first application that allows auditions to fully take place digitally — and this in a reliable and accessible manner. With this, we are the first in the industry that managed to keep up with the worldwide digitization. Our vision? Being able to expand the platform across Europe. We’re aiming for a complete databank, chock full of all kinds of talent, that’ll be used throughout the complete casting industry. But, yeah
 that’s what we need you guys for, innit?

Want to know more? Contact us!

Still having some burning questions about The Casting Director? Well, go on then: don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re more than happy to help you out. On- and offline.