The profile picture: a representation of your talent

One image to convince

Hooray! You’re officially registered on the new and improved The Casting Director platform — and you’re super psyched to snatch the role of your dreams. But, uhm… finding that role? That’s one thing. Being selected? That’s something else. That is why it’s important for you to conjure up an online profile that’s truly irresistible.

Things to keep in mind: tell plenty of what there is to know about yourself, boast about your skills in a fetching way, show us the bulk of your earlier experiences, …

A strong profile is necessary to convince the producer that you’re a perfect match for their role. And that profile picture? That’s the door to that profile. So make sure to put enough effort and thought into your photo!

One image to convince… everyone

When a producer, casting director or photographer publishes an audition — and you apply for it, the very first thing he or she will see, is your profile picture. When he or she likes the picture, there’s the option to delve deeper in your profile. In other words: that first selection round? That’s solely based on that one picture.

Besides that, we know that a producer, on average, spends less than one second of his/​her time on deciding whether or not to open you profile. One second. That’s all, folks.

You’re starting to get it, aren’t you? Your profile picture may as well be dubbed ​‘the door to your career’. It’s the representation of you — and your talent. It will, every single time, be the reason for your ​‘yes’ — or ​‘no’.

Convinced, yet? Good. As a reward, we’re happy to share a couple tips and tricks to keep in mind… The things you should not ever do — and some advice on what you should do.

Selfie in bw on phone

Four don’ts

The formula for a perfect profile picture? No idea, can’t tell you that. But we can tell you what not to do…

  1. Okay, it’s true. You look deliciously tan and relaxed on that vacay pic from that one summer in Greece. Hate to disappoint you, but we do advise you to steer away from holiday snaps with glass in hand. You don’t want to be associated with alcohol, parties and debauchery (even though it was just that one, innocent, glass of wine). Always make sure to appear as neutral as possible, without any distraction.
  2. This one may seem obvious, but we do see it happen all the time… Never choose a profile picture with other people in the shot (especially when they’re famous, please don’t do that). You don’t want to risk confusion.
  3. Select a clear, realistic and razor-sharp photo: you want the producer to really see you for who you are. Stay true to yourself and keep clear of filters.
  4. And last, but definitely not least… never use nudes. They are way (way!) to specific — and rarely what the producer is looking for. Just… don’t, okay?

Two do’s

Not a hero when it comes to taking photographs? Can’t you seem to take one decent picture of yourself? No need to worry — it’s a fulltime job for a reason! That’s why it’s interesting to look into some alternatives to help you out.

  1. Pay a visit to schools who offer photography courses. They always need models to practise on — and chances are, you’ll get to take your brand-new headshots home… for free!
  2. Looking for a professional photographer? We recommend Mark Drofmans (Antwerp). This champion comes with over 35 years of experience — and has had the pleasure of photographing almost every single famous Flemish artist. That being said, his strong suit definitely lies within the art of taking fabulous headshots.

A bit of advice to end with

When it comes to your digital profile, it’s not enough to rely on that talent — even though you’re overflowing with it. That’s why you should always make sure that your profile is nothing less than a digital extension of the beautiful and talented person we know you are.

When you can win them over with your profile (picture), you’re already halfway there.

Good luck!

Want to know more about the Casting Director?

Great! Make sure to contact us — we’d love to answer all your questions. On- and offline, that is!